David Hill, Ed.D.
By listening well and working hard, David strives to provide A+ quality support for schools, nonprofits, and philanthropic partners that are opening doors of opportunity in historically underserved communities. David enjoys tackling tough questions and feels equally at home thinking about the big picture and digging into details.
Prior to launching Davidson Hill Consulting in 2016, David contributed to and learned from diverse education sectors in his hometown of Memphis, where he served as President of the Jubilee Schools, Founding School Director for The Soulsville Charter School, and teacher and coach for South Side High School. Additionally, David served as Executive Director of Teacher Effectiveness for Memphis City Schools and was the architect and lead writer of the Teacher Effectiveness Initiative, which earned a $90 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and propelled local and state-wide reforms that helped make Tennessee the fastest improving state in the nation on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
David’s published writings include the award-winning “The Self-Defined African American Community of Jim Crow Memphis,” “The Stained-Glass Window Theory,” and multiple op-eds. David holds an A.B. in History cum laude from Princeton University. He received his M.S. in Educational Leadership from Christian Brothers University and his Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy from Peabody College, Vanderbilt University. David and his wife, Katie, live in Memphis with their four sons.